“Because I am a teacher, I feel that an integral part of my mission is to share my passion, knowledge, and experience with those who may not be aware of the incredible benefits of using essential oils therapeutically, medicinally, emotionally and energetically. ”
Bios are supposed to be written so you can get to know the person. They are often written so stiffly and stuffily, in prescribed format and filled with facts, but do you really get a flavor of the person? I hope that after reading this, you get a flavor of who I am as well as my credentials.
For those of you who just want to know my credentials here they are.
Virginia Joy Stella Musacchio – MA, CCA, RA, CBC, LMT, NCBTMB (alphabet soup, yes?)
Master’s Degree in Education - MA
Nationally Board Certified Massage therapist - NCBTMB
Certified Bereavement Counselor - CBC
Clinically Certified and Registered Aromatherapist – CCA and RA
Certified in Energy Medicine and Clairvoyance
Free SoulsCertified Instructor
Published in various Aromatherapy Professional Journals
Featured Speaker at National Aromatherapy Conference
Teach Certification Programs for Aromatherapy as well as weekend workshops formally Stillpoint Studies now under VirginiaJoy and Stillpoint
Founder of Stillpoint Aromatics
For those of you that would like to read on ( I’ll be as brief as I can).
So, I am originally from New York. Born in Brooklyn in 1962 (a long time ago). I knew as a kid I always wanted to help people and I also knew from the age of 7 that I wanted to be a teacher. By the time I graduated high school, there were no teaching jobs, so I enrolled in a nursing program at Adelphi University. The problem is that I am a gagger and blood and smells do not work for me. It was after the first day in the hospital, my second year, that when I had to change a bedpan and almost vomited, I was in the wrong place. So, I changed my major to Education (which is what I should have been in in the first place).
I worked at the district that I attended and taught Fifth grade for ten years. While teaching I was too many committees that I care to remember, ran the Science program and worked in conjunction with Columbia University, training teachers in my district how to teach writing. I LOVED teaching and LOVED my kids, but the system was broken and breaking down even more, so I left after my tenth year.
I moved to Florida… Beverly Hills Florida and there ran a small tutoring business working with kids from Kindergarten to College, helping in whatever subject they needed help with. It was during those eight years in Florida that I began seriously studying Metaphysics (which I had been informally and self-studying since the death of my Mom, Stella, in 1983. For the next 8 years I was immersed in a “Mystery School” with my teacher, Sharon Turner, and was trained in Energetic Medicine, for lack of a better word, and Clairvoyance.
In 2004 I moved to Sedona, went to massage school and founded Stillpoint Living in Balance my Massage and Energetic Practice. I incorporated all of my energy training into Stillpoint’s signature sessions, did “readings” and “healing” as well. Just as an aside, Stillpoint was the number one thing to do on Trip Advisor for about 2 ½ years in all of Sedona!!! Boy oh boy did I massage a lot! It was my work in Massage that lead me to begin to formally studying Aromatherapy. I had been reading and using oils since my early teaching days in 1983, but wanted to go way down the rabbit hole.
It was 2005 or so when I began working with a local company and seriously integrating oils into my massage practice. However by 2008, I realized that ethics and the interest in their customers was not of the utmost importance, so I began to search for distillers and began importing essential oils. I continued and my formal training with the oils diving deep into the chemistry and the alchemical nature of the oils and extracts.
In 2010 Stillpoint Aromatics was formally birthed. So 9 years later, I am still at it. Continually studying, continually teaching and continually growing. If you have gotten to this point, I hope you have a tiny glimpse of what makes me tick.